5 thoughts on “RUBY RED by Kerstin Gier

  1. Ruby Red
    “Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier is an excellent book. It’s fast moving action, makes the book hard to put down. It follows the life of 16 year old Gwyneth and her interesting family that carries a trait of time travel. Gwyneth’s family believes that the gene skipped Gwyneth and went straight to her cousin. Gwyneth thought so too, until she made an unexpected trip to the past. Gwyneth is caught in the middle of a conflict. She and her arrogant traveling partner, Gideon, take various journeys to the past.

    I would recommend Ruby Red to anyone who enjoys the fast moving action. The book is filled with action, drama, and a plot that is unfolding a clue every second. The book can keep you on your toes while you laugh through this book. Ruby Red is addicting and extremely hard to put down.”

    ~Melissa Pregasen


  2. Ruby Red by Kirsten Gier is a great book. It is Kirsten Gier first book of the Ruby Red Trilogy. Kirsten Gier is German and the books are translated to English. This story is about Gwenyth Shepard who has always been able to see Ghosts. She lives in her ancient family mansion with her mother, sister, brother, cousin, aunt, great-aunt, and grandmother (with her butler). Her cousin, Charlotte, had been destined by her birth to carry a Time-traveling gene. Gwen’s entire life she has been told she is lesser than Charlotte, and when Charlotte time-travels she has to draw a chalk-circle. Gwen had always been fine with that. She didn’t like Charlotte and she didn’t really like abnormal. One day Gwen time-travels instead of Charlotte. She is given a chilly reception from many people upon this news. She begins to learn the Inner Circle’s secrets. She is the Ruby, the last of the 12 time-travelers. Along with her best friend, a ghost named James, and her time-traveling partner that is stealing her heart, Gwen takes Charlotte’s place as a figure of history and in her opinion – a science experiment.
    This book does not have much of a plot, the entire book seems like the beginning of a story and the end of the book seems like the last part of the beginning. Even though this slight deflect, the book’s words and humor keeps you attracted and stuck in the book. The book still has a great story and the humor and suspense keeps the book alive. Do not misunderstand me because I truly believe this book is amazing even though the plot is spread thinly throughout the book. You fall in love with the characters and you seem to grow up with Gwenyth. I would under all circumstances recommend this book to everyone and anyone – which is my highest honor of a book. I am not saying everyone would like it but I think that approximately the approcval rating for this book would be about a 90%. Read this book! Its Amazing!


  3. Ruby Red is by far the best book that I had ever read. It’s captivating and suspenseful with some romance tied into it. I love the book because of the unexpected twists and turns in the plot. The character were very relatable, and I love the rivalries within the family. At the beginning of the book, they tell you that there are secrets within the family, but the author doesn’t tell us exactly what they are until later in the book which, in turn, creates a desire to keep reading.

    This book tops some best-selling books which I have fallen in love with. The author’s writing techniques to keep action throughout the story were very enjoyable and added to the book. The relationships that she creates between the characters in the book made the book enjoyable. I especially enjoyed the irony Kristin Gier had created. I would recommend this book to any young adult who enjoys a good story.


  4. Ruby Red, by Kerstin Gier, is about a sixteen-year old girl who is trapped under the shadow of her “perfect” cousin, Charlotte. They both live in a family that possesses a time-travelling gene that skips over every other girl in the line. Charlotte has been trained to be the Ruby of the circle of twelve, a group of time travelers combined with the similar family, the De Villers. Gweneth believes that she is an outsider until she suddenly time-travels back in time. She is suddenly thrown head-first into the history of time travel and all the fundamentals. She is ridiculed by most and regarded as an immature child. She can also see ghosts of dead people and demons, which make people think she is even crazier. Gwen is paired with an arrogant eighteen-year old boy, Gideon de Villers. Together they have to travel back in time with a chronograph and try to track down its pair. The chronograph was taken by two other time-travelers in the circle and aren’t anywhere to be easily tracked. Along the way, Gwen’s life turns completely upside-down in the course of one week.
    When I first read this book, I wasn’t completely enthralled by the plot of time travel. But, as I read further into the plot, I found it extremely interesting and page-turning. The main character, Gwen, is easy to relate to and has a very unique personality. It is interesting to try to read all the complicated events from her personality because it adds a personal touch to each new character introduction. I really liked this book and its sequel, Sapphire Blue. I would definitely recommend this book to any avid young adult reader. Something I would change in this book is more explanation of how Lucy and Paul escaped and why. Other than smaller details, I think this is one of the best books that I’ve read in this semester.


  5. Ruby Red is the first book in a young adult trilogy written by Kerstin Gier. It’s about a sixteen year-old girl named Gwyneth who’s ancestors have been known to have a time traveling gene. There are only twelve time travelers in the Circle, and only two families are a part of it: the Montrose family and the De Villiers family. At first, Gwyneth’s cousin Charlotte is believed to have inherited the time travel gene, but the tide turns and Gwyneth is the one who has it. Gwyneth’s mother has changed her birthday on her birth certificate in order to protect her from dangers to come, in hopes that it would be Charlotte who inherited the gene, but in reality, they both have the same birthday. When Gwyneth enters the world of time traveling, she’s clueless about everything because her family has been preparing Charlotte all her life and not Gwyneth. She meets a boy who also has the time traveling gene named Gideon de Villiers, who’s very arrogant and obnoxious towards her, but she has mixed emotions about him. One minute he’s rude and the next, he’s very sweet. The time travelers in the line before them, Lucy and Paul, have stolen the chronograph (an object that allows controlled time travel) and taken it back in time with them because they don’t want the circle to be closed. Gwyneth and Gideon go on a mission together to get all of the time travelers’ blood in order to close the Circle of Twelve. However, Gwyneth doesn’t know what will happen when the Circle does close and why she needs to do it. She doesn’t know what to do because no one will tell her any information, because she’s not trusted as of yet. She’s battling with her emotions as she goes through with the mission clueless, and she’s not sure if Gideon really does love her.
    Kerstin Gier’s writing style is descriptive and it’s really easy to understand what’s happening. Since it’s written in first person perspective, we don’t know anything the character doesn’t know. Gwyneth is clueless and confused in the beginning of the book because she just jumped into a situation that takes an entire life to prepare for. Gier very well explains the concept of the story and time travel so that we’re not confused, but are left guessing what each character’s motives are. The story doesn’t have much of a plot line, but I couldn’t put it down. I’d recommend Ruby Red to people who like a little bit of romance, mystery, and comedy. It was my favorite book I’ve read in this class.
    ~Amy Sukserm


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