One thought on “PANDORA – Carloyn Hennessey

  1. This book is a great book for all girls. It’s drama, mythology, and adventure packed into one. I would say the characters are very relatable. Pandora, in a way, is just like us. She may be part immortal, but she learns that being the most popular girl in school isn’t always the most important thing in life. In an attempt to impress her peers, Pandora brings a magical box to school for a project about the god’s presence in her everyday life. Later that day, she accidentally releases all of the evils in the world. She learns that sometimes less is more. She didn’t need to bring a box so powerful to school with her. She still could’ve gotten a decent grade on her project if she brought something simple. Pandora suffers the gods’ consequences as a result of her actions. Pandora will grow more and more realizing that growing up isn’t just about your clothes and hair.


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