2 thoughts on “THE DEATH CURE – James Dashner

  1. The Maze runner series, by James Dashner, is a fantastic young-adult series. It is set in a post-apocalyptic world where a deadly virus has been released. The story follows Thomas, a 16-year old boy who is thrown into an unknown environment with no memories of his previous life. All he remembers is his name. He quickly adjusts to his new surroundings and begins to adapt to his new life. But then, weird things start happening, and he is forced into a test of values and truth.
    In the first installment in the series, The Maze Runner, Thomas emerges from a strange metal box and finds himself surrounded by a group of boys, mostly his age, some younger, some older. He has no memories, except for his name. The boys tell him that he is in a place called the Glade, which is the center of a giant stone maze, which they call, quite appropriately, The Maze. He learns about the different jobs, such as Slopper, Bricknick, Bagger, and Runner. He really wants to become a Runner, but he quickly finds out that that is near impossible.
    In the second book, The Scorch Trials, Thomas and his friends have successfully escaped from the Maze only to find themselves thrust into another life or death situation. This time, they are in a huge desert, called the Scorch, where temperatures are extremely hot at day and warm at night. They have to make their way to a safe haven 100 miles away, in less than two weeks. They face many challenges along the way, such as extremely dangerous storms and “Cranks,” people infected by The Flare, a disease that attacks the brain.
    In the third and final installment, The Death Cure, Thomas has been stuck in white room for weeks, without being able to take a shower. Finally, he is let out and reunited with his friends, however he bathes first. All of his friends escape and leave him behind, except Minho and Newt. They leave them behind because they were misled to believe they had already escaped. Thomas, Minho, and Newt then escape on their own and follow their friends to Denver.
    I highly recommend this series to all young-adult readers who enjoy post-apocalyptic dystopian themes. This is one of my favorite series ever.


  2. I highly recommend this book and this series. It is one of the best that I have ever read. People who enjoy post-apocalyptic book with live, adore, and never put down this book. In this book the protagonist Thomas and his friends are getting ready to fight the oppressive government company WICKID that was left over after massive solar flare. Thomas and his friends are immune to the disease that was accidentally released during the solar flares which WICKID is trying to cure. The disease messes with your brain and leaves you stark raving mad, but to stop WICKID Thomas must face a fear he vowed he would never witness again. This book is a little bit flipped because the protagonist is trying to cure whatever is going on. WICKID is trying to cure the disease but at the consequence of many.


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