One thought on “SPECIALS – Scott Westerfield

  1. Specials, by Scott Westerfield, is the third book in the Uglies series. This book is about sixteen-year-old girl named Tally. Tally is now a Special who works in Special Circumstances. Special Circumstances is a group of people who make sure that the city is affected by outside groups or that kids don’t run away from the city. Near the beginning of the novel, Tally goes to visit her boyfriend, Zane who lives in New Pretty Town. Because of the pill he took in the book before, Zane is not totally physically able. He shakes all the time. In order to become a special, Zane first must escape the city. Tally and Shay break into a government area to steal something to cut off Zane’s tracking necklace. They help Zane a bunch of his friends escape. Shay and Tally follow Zane and his friends secretly. Tally is given a map to the New Smoke where Zane and his friends are headed. Shay goes on ahead using the map, but Tally continues to follow Zane. Zane soon figures out she is following them, but he doesn’t tell his friends. Zane and his friends arrive at the New Smoke, which is now in a city called Diego. However, Zane is very unstable and many of Tally’s friends are starting to be cured as specials. Tally starts to wonder if Zane will ever be cured and if she will be forced to become unspecial.

    I found this book absolutely wonderful. I think that it was very enjoyable and that it was a very good idea to make Tally a Special. I think this because I like how in the series at first Tally was an ugly, then she became a pretty, and then a special. In this book, there were many great descriptions. This book was extremely well written and captivating. My favorite part of the book was when Tally and Shay start to follow Zane because its very interesting to see if Zane and his friends will figure out they are being followed and if they will make it.

    The only thing that I would change about the book would be when Zane died. I found that part really sad and wished that something else had happened to him, instead of dying.

    I would recommend this book to anybody who read Uglies and Pretties. I think that this series is absolutely amazing that everybody should read it. I would also recommend this book to people who are fans of dystopian novels. I would because this book is wonderful dystopian novel.
    ~Aliya 🙂


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