ENDER’S GAME by Orson Scott Card



TPS Reader mercers18

Ender’s Game is about a brilliant boy named Andrew “Ender” Wiggin. Throughout his life, he has had a monitor tracking and watching his every move. If he passes the adults examination of him, then he will go to Battle School, which is where the army is trained to battle the Buggers. The Buggers are aliens with whom the humans have been battling for one hundred years. Then, Ender turns six and the adults remove his monitor. He has failed, just like his other brilliant siblings, Peter and Valentine. Peter was too violent for Battle School, while Valentine could not hurt a fly. Ender’s parents are disappointed in him, since the only reason he was born was because the government told Ender’s parents to have a third child. The government thought Ender would be a perfect mix of his siblings and a perfect applicant to go to Battle School. The next day, Graff, the person who was monitoring him, shows up at Ender’s house. Apparently, he has been accepted to Battle School, and the adults have high expectations for him. Ender accepts the invitation and is sent into space. While in Battle School, he will encounter many obstacles and hardships. He will also discover puzzles and games, including the Battle Room. The Battle Room is basically laser tag in zero gravity. Ender’s Game is a fantastic book that never lets you put it down. There are many surprises that keep the book suspenseful. I really recommend this book.

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