
TPS Reader frezzaa15

When Clay Jensen woke up that morning, it seemed like any other average day… but it wasn’t. Little did he know, it was the start of the day that would change his life forever. There sitting on his doorstep when he got back from school was a package with no return address. Inside is a set of seven audiotapes with Hannah Baker’s voice explaining why she did what she did, explaining why she’s dead. Clay is anything but happy at this point. Hannah explains how every person on the tapes affected her decision. Each side of the tapes, both sides on the first six and one side on the seventh, explains how another person comes into play. Hannah reveals her secrets, feelings, and the truth about what has been going on in her life. Nobody knew why she had done it, and hopefully it would only stay between the 13 of them that were mentioned on the tapes. Hannah had a second set of tapes sent to someone that would make sure everyone mentioned on them would listen to at least their part. If they didn’t, the tapes would be publically released so everyone could see them. For almost everyone on the tapes, they wanted as few people to know as possible what they had done. Throughout the story Clay walks around town listening to the audiotapes and following the map given to him a few days prior highlighting all the important places mentioned on the tapes. What he discovers about Hannah’s life will impact him in a dramatic way. Thirteen Reasons Why is a riveting book with new secrets and surprises revealed on every page that keep the reader hooked and wanting more.

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