CHERUB by Robert Muchamore


Cherub The Recruit


TPS Reader mercers18

CHERUB is series of young adult spy novels by Robert Muchamore. CHERUB is a division of the British Security Service which employs children under the age of seventeen. The agents are usually orphans, since they live on the amazing CHERUB campus. There is a shirt system to mark the level of accomplishment by an agent. Orange shirt is for a visiting person. Blue shirt is for an agent going through the rigorous one-hundred-day training. The grey shirt is for an agent who is allowed to go on missions. A navy blue shirt means a great job on a mission. A black shirt is for the best agents who do a good job on several missions. A white shirt is for retired CHERUB. There are two series. The original series is twelve full books and one short book. The second series called The Aramov series has four books and counting. The original CHERUB series follows James Adams. In each book, he performs various missions from drug busts to defeating terrorist groups. The first book, The Recruit, is about James passing basic training and going on a mission to stop an attack on an oil conference by an eco-terrorist group “Help Earth.” Later in the series, the focus turns to his sister Lauren and several other characters. The Aramov series follows Ryan Sharma. Previous CHERUB characters are included. I really love this series. Once I started a book, I never wanted to put it down.

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