THIS IS WHERE IT ENDS by Marieke Nijkamp

By TPS Reader rogers-powserl20This Is Where It Ends

The book This is Where It Ends was full of excitement. It was a very well written book with a lot of interesting events. There were a lot of flashbacks, and even though I don’t like that many books that take place in the past, they were needed to show how every little thing impacted the present. This book was filled with action, great characters, and a past that affected everything.

One of my favorite characters was Ty and not because I absolutely love antagonists, but because he was a character with a troubled past that made him how he was. He didn’t snap just one random day, but because of the influences around him, it made him want revenge that bad. He was an amazing image of how not all bad guys in books need to actually be bad. Ty was just a regular kid, not some serial killer running around.

Another great thing about this book were the scenes with everyone in fear. The author of this book was able to describe the fear everyone felt, by using two of the characters, while Ty stood on stage aiming his gun at people. At some parts of the book it almost feels like you’re there with all of the other kids, trying to hide from where the next bullet might hit.

I loved this book so much, and towards the end of the book, I started to savor every last word. I simply couldn’t put this book down and I had to finish the chapter I was reading, which soon turned into the next chapter. I highly recommend this book to those that love antagonists like me, like action, amazing characters, backstory that influences the future or a great plot.  

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