PANDEMONIUM by Lauren Oliver


by TPS Reader mcanallya23

Pandemonium is the second book in the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver. The main character, Lena, completely changes since the first book. At the beginning of Delirium, she is a shy girl who has never doubted that love is a disease and must be eradicated. In the Wilds, she becomes stronger both physically and mentally. At the beginning of Pandemonium, Lena finds herself in a community in the Wilds after escaping from Portland. She meets new characters such as Raven, the fierce leader of their community. Raven is extremely strong and determined, but she is also compassionate and loving, as we see when Blue dies. She leads her people without having her emotions affect her. I also enjoyed seeing Raven killing Thomas Fineman and saving Julian and Lena. We were able to see her unmerciful and ruthless side for people that deserve it.

Julian is another new character in Pandemonium. He is the son of Thomas Fineman, the president of the DFA. On the surface, Julian seems to have a perfect life, but he has had his struggles. Thomas Fineman played a part in his brother’s death, and Julian is haunted by this. Julian is an affectionate character, and Lena and he eventually become romantic. In my opinion their relationship felt forced though, and it seemed like Julian was only there to replace Alex. I love that Lena sees her mother, and I hope we get to see Lena and her mother get to know each other well in Requiem, the third book in the Delirium series. At the end of Pandemonium, we find out that Alex is alive, and Lena and him meet again. I was definitely not expecting to see Alex again, but I am also very glad. I can’t wait to see more of the older characters like Alex, Hannah, and hopefully Grace in Requiem.

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