REQUIEM by Lauren Oliver

by TPS reader hunth19requiem

Requiem, the third book in the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver, is a great end to the trilogy.  Lena has held her own in the wilds and is becoming much more used to it.  However, it is not the perfect world she had imagined it to be. People are free to love, but still not free from the regulators.  After more rebellions from the resistance, the regulators decide to put an end to the madness.  And so, once again, her homestead is forced to relocate.  Also, she wrestles with her conflicted feelings between Julian and Alex, who has escaped from the crypts and into the wilds and has dramatically changed.

While this chaos is going on, Lena’s former best friend, Hana Tate, who is very gorgeous, has been cured, leaving her in a loveless and supposedly perfect and safe world.  Despite this, Hana has doubts about whether the cure really worked on her because she has strange dreams and recollections of her past.  Hana is engaged to Fred Hargrove, the soon to be mayor.  His actions are misleading, leaving Hana threatened, confused, and struggling.  Also, she discovers Lena’s timid cousin, Grace, and attempts to aid her and her family, who have become outcasts on account of Lena’s decision to escape to the wilds, leading to more doubts about whether or not she has truly been cured.

        The plot leaps and turns as you race through with the story.  I was swept up in the characters’ lives, and Lauren Oliver made me feel like they were real people.  Some parts of the book were really frustrating and left me wondering how things could possibly turn back around.  In the end, everything worked out.  A couple things weren’t quite solved, leaving the reader to wonder what would happen, but that’s the way of life.  Requiem is a really captivating book, and I would recommend reading the entire series.  

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