
by TPS reader hickst20

When Clay Jensen returns home from school one day, he sees a package on his porch with his name on it. Inside of the box he discovers seven cassette tapes. On these tapes, the voice of his crush and classmate, Hannah Baker, describes the reasons why she committed suicide two weeks before. In the tapes, she describes thirteen people that made her end her life. Clay is shocked when he realizes that he is on the tapes and that they get sent to every person that has wronged her. In the tapes, Hannah gives instructions that after the person listens to the tapes they must mail it to the next person mentioned after them. Clay goes everywhere Hannah describes in her tapes and becomes almost obsessed with learning about her past. Will Clay ever get over Hannah’s tragic death or will he always wonder about the what ifs of the past? Find out in this amazing and moving book written by the brilliant Jay Asher.

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