NIGHT SPEED by Chris Howard


by TPS reads mclaughlina20

Night Speed by Chris Howard is as intense as it sounds. Chris Howard, a renowned writer, centered his story in the middle of a drug epidemic in New York. The new drug that has arisen is called “tetra.” This drug gives people who take it a sudden 9 minute burst of incredible speed and strength. However, the catch is that you have to be under 18 to use it, and even then not everyone’s body reacts well to it. To fight off the bank robbing addicts, Alana West doses up to save everyone. Fighting for revenge of her brother, who was crippled by a “breakneck” (drug abuser), she runs to save the world. Her speed and involvement in the law enforcement, involves her in many dangerous and suspenseful chases until she is charged with the murder of a “breakneck.” This new revelation in her life gets her involved in secret undercover work that has everyone questioning authority.

Chris Howard has produced an excellent piece of literature. If you are one that loves intense action and uncertainty, this is an excellent book for you. From seeking justice to memorable moments to the biggest twists of all time, this book covers it all. Each page keeps you on the edge of your seat and you can almost feel the rush when reading it. Night Speed is a fantastic novel that leaves you wanting more and never knowing what’s going to happen next.

5 thoughts on “NIGHT SPEED by Chris Howard

  1. This book’s cover shows intense action and is interesting, the summary shows the same and this is definitely an interesting book


  2. When I read Night Speed this past summer I really enjoyed it. The book had a good plot that made you want to read more.


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