SWELL FOOP by Piers Anthony


by TPS reader celuchj20

Swell Foop by Piers Anthony is the 25th adventure in the magical world of Xanth. The Demon (capital D Demon) Earth has been kidnapped. Normally mortals wouldn’t be able to interfere in the affairs of Demons, but all Demons are suspected of the kidnapping.

Demon Earth has control over all of gravity. This means if something bad happens, all of Earth, and Xanth, could be destroyed. Bold creatures of different species, including humans, centaurs, and a bird must team up. Their mission is to find the six rings of Xanth in order to locate the Swell Foop, which they must use in a contest against the kidnapper Demon.

As always, Anthony’s book is creative and hilarious. He managed to tie together comedy, fantasy, and a bit of romance perfectly. As he says in the author’s note, this isn’t just your typical save the princess from the wizard fantasy book. I agree that it is so much more than that because of his original ideas and plot. The puns are a great touch (as with the other Xanth novels) as they are so inventive and I never could have thought them up, or tied them in, myself. This is another brilliant addition to the ever growing Xanths series, which I recommend to anyone who needs a lighthearted book. They are fairly stand alone, so any of them can be read to start.


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