The Darkest Corners

By TPS reader halladay-glynng21

The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas is a thrilling, twisted mystery that constantly had me on the edge of my seat. It starts with a girl named Tessa having to go back to her hometown, Fayette, to visit her father in jail before he dies of cancer. At the beginning, Tessa seems to have so many questions about her family and friends, but she is too scared to search for the answers. Once Tessa’s used-to-be best friend, Callie, and she start debating whether they’re sure a man they helped put in jail ten years ago is truly guilty of killing their friend, it spirals into several secret, dangerous missions finding the answers to all the mysteries about Wyatt Stokes, Tessa’s mother and sister, Macy Stevens, Lori or Ariel, and many other of Fayette’s hidden tales.

The Darkest Corners is one of my favorite mysteries because there are so many ends needed to be tied and each one gets Tessa and Callie into a crazier situation than before. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good murder mystery that leaves you shocked. I never suspected the outcome, but everything makes sense in the end. Prepare to search the darkest corners of Tessa Lowell’s’ life.

LET IT SNOW by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle

Let It Snow

by TPS reader mclaughlinm22

Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle contains three stories about holiday spirit and romance, and they all end up in Starbucks in the last story. Each author wrote one of the stories in the novel. The first story, The Jubilee Express by Maureen Johnson, is about a girl named Jubilee whose parents get sent to jail for being part of a Flobie Santa Village riot. On her way to visit her grandparents while her parents sort out their legal situation, her cheerleader filled train gets stuck in the snow. To escape the annoying cheerleaders she leaves the train to go to the Waffle House across the street. At the Waffle House she meets some very strange characters but eventually gets help from a guy named Stuart who takes her to his house for the night. As the story progresses, Jubilee realizes that her boyfriend hasn’t been a very good boyfriend by ignoring her all afternoon by not answering her calls. Will Jubilee and her boyfriend break up? Will she get together with Stuart?

The second story, A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle by John Green, three friends, Tobin, the Duke, and JP, race off to the now cheerleader filled Waffle House to bring Twister to their friend Keun and the cheerleaders. During their adventure through the snow to get to the Waffle House, one of the characters, Tobin, realizes he likes the only girl in their friend group, the Duke. Will Tobin and the Duke get together or will they always be too nervous to open up to each other?

The last story, The Patron Saint of Pigs by Lauren Myracle, is about a girl named Addie who has just cheated on her boyfriend. While she is dwelling in her misery, her friends try to show her that she is being very dramatic about the whole situation and isn’t having any fun during her Christmas at all. To prove that she is a good friend she agrees to go and get her friend Tegan’s pig right as the store opens and bring it to her later that day. She forgets to get the pig and once she gets there the pig has already been sold! Will Addie get the pig back and get back together with her boyfriend or will this Christmas be a disaster? Be sure to read Let it Snow this Christmas, it won’t disappoint.