A Darker Shade of Magic

by TPS reader lutzr22

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab is book mainly following the character Kell and Lila and their story. Kell has one completely black eye a mark of an Antari, meaning blood magic, as an Antari he is able to control earth, water, air, fire, and bone, unlike everyone else who at most can control three. He is also able to travel between the Londons, a skill only possessed by him and Holland. Holland lives in White London where magic is dying and the people with it, ruled by a cruel king who controls him. Whereas Kell lives in Red London, a city ruled by his adoptive family where magic thrives and is celebrated. Lila Bard belongs to Grey London where there is little magic and is most similar to our own. Lastly is Black London a city which is impossible to go to as it has been destroyed, over run with magic and consuming its people. Lila is a cross dressing thief who runs into trouble and meets Kell who is carrying a stone, one of the last remnants of Black London. It must be returned but the rulers of White London are eager to have it, forcing Holland to go after them. The pair travel through the cities trying to return it to Black London before Holland gets it.

I love this book. The characters are three dimensional, dynamic, and interesting. They don’t feel like cliches and are genuinely likeable. The relationships formed by these characters are complex and not rushed into. The book seems very different then other books of the genre and has a unique plot. The idea of alternate universes may not be original but the book is unlike anything else I’ve read.

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