SMOKE IN THE SUN by Renee Ahdieh

Smoke in the Sun

by TPS reader goodisc22

Smoke in the Sun is the sequel of the book Flame of the Mist. The duology is a historical fantasy written by Renée Ahdieh. It is based in Japan and it follows seventeen-year-old Mariko, the daughter of a respected samurai. Since her birth, she has only been raised, for one thing, to be betrothed to the son of the emperor’s favorite consort. A marriage that will raise her family’s standings. On the other hand, her twin brother Kenshin is known as the Dragon of Kai, a great samurai warrior. In the first book, she barely escapes an assassination attempt by the Black Clan, a group of dangerous bandits. She dresses as a peasant boy and sets out to infiltrate the Black Clan to try and figure out who wants her dead. However, she ends up falling in love.

In the second book, she tries to rescue the boy she loves, but this only starts a chain of events no one can control.

Smoke in the Sun is a thrilling conclusion to this duology. It is a very good young adult book that is very well written. It also includes many Japanese aspects. If you enjoy any type of historical fantasy, I would definitely recommend this book.

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