A SOLDIER AND A LIAR by Caitlin Lochner

A Soldier and a Liar

by TPS reader stricklins22

A Soldier and a Liar by Caitlin Lochner is an action-packed tale that will leave you wanting more. Lai is a Nyte, a supernaturally gifted teenager with the ability to read minds. She organizes her own capture so she ends up in prison, demonstrating her capability to fool people. But when rebel Nytes start attacking the city, Lai is recruited, along with three other teenagers with secrets of their own, to take a stand against the rebels. The characters are very realistic and the character development throughout the story was incredible. All four characters each play a part on the team, and they all have a unique talent that makes them special to the team. They all have so much potential, and it was really easy to put myself into their shoes and imagine their situation due to how well written this book was. Once I started reading this book, it was almost impossible to put it down. I finished it in a few hours, and I was left wanting more. The plot twists were so good – I didn’t see any of them coming. One thing I didn’t like; however, was the lack of backstory about the Nytes. It wasn’t really explained where their gifts came from, why they had gifts, and just other details about Nytes, but other than that, it was an amazing book. Caitlin Lochner has spun together a wonderful story, and I can’t wait for the second one. This was an amazing book with a fast-paced plot. This is a story you definitely don’t want to miss.  

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