THE GRACE YEAR by Kim Liggett

The Grace Year

by TPSreader maniarr24

The Grace Year by Kim Liggett was a book that I’ve seen float around Twitter forever. When I finally got a copy from my school’s awesome librarian, she handed it to me with this statement: Imagine Lord Of The Flies married The Handmaid’s Tale. This is their baby. Well, obviously I was very intrigued. Once I started this book, I couldn’t seem to put it down! This tale follows Tierney James, a 16-year old girl in a dystopian world, led by corrupted men who believe that women are magical and must expel their magic before they are married off. They do so by expelling all of the 16 year old girls into the forest by themselves to expel their magic with little supplies to last a year. Usually, the lucky ones come back, the group smaller, and less limbs. Tierney knows that this isn’t right. And, well, things take a turn for the worst in the forest. Danger lurks everywhere and in this world, anything can happen. This book was really well written and while heartbreaking and rather gruesome, Liggett does very well with characters. I felt like all of the characters, even the minor ones that I knew for a few chapters, I knew them like I knew Tierney. Overall, this book was great and I hope there’s a sequel!

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