WE ARE NOT FROM HERE by Jenny Torres Sanchez

by TPS reader luthera25

We Are Not From Here by Jenny Torres Sanchez gives light to the difficult journey immigrants have to make when trying to get into the American safe haven. This story is told from the perspective of three Guatemalan teens that are going to make the perilous journey north. These teens are Pequeña, Pulga, and Chico. The barrios that Pulga, Pequeña, and Chico live in are very dangerous, and they hear stories about people like them leaving the Barrios and taking a dangerous route called La Bestia. La Bestia consists of a dangerous train system they must take to reach the border. Pulga and Chico, who are best friends brought together by violence, witness a horrific event and decide they must travel to America even if it means leaving their families behind. While Pequeña gives birth to a baby she doesn’t want and is filled with hatred toward the father, Pequeña also decides to go north with Pulga and Chico. During their journey to America, they face tragedy and loss, but they are still determined to find a better future. 

Jenny Torres Sanchez did an excellent job of giving the reader perspective on the life of immigrants in this beautiful and tragic story. While reading I felt the fear that Chico felt, the sadness that Pulga felt, and the powerful determination that Pequeña had. Go into the world of Chico, Pulga, and Pequeña and feel the sadness, fear, and determination these three teens face during the dangerous route on La Bestia.

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