ODD ONE OUT by Nic Stone

by TPS reader kriegers27

I enjoyed reading Odd One Out by Nic Stone. In the beginning, the novel has excellent
rising plots that start the story and get the reader hooked. It starts strong by covering each
character’s differences and similarities that go with each other. The relationship between Coop
and Jupe is unmatched by any other best friend duo. The novel is split up into three different
books, one is read from the perspective of Courtney, one is read from the standpoint of Rea,
and Jupe tells the last. The first book talks about Coop’s background and how it made him who
he was. He’s always dating people but has had a crush on Jupe since he moved in next door to
her. Coop and Jupe have been best friends forever and say they are siblings. They always hang
out and even have sleepovers on the regular. Book one makes the plan on how he can get over
Jupe without ruining the friendship between them. At the end of book one, someone new moves
in, and her name is Rea. Rea and Jupe become best friends, which makes Coop jealous very
fast. Book two takes place in the fall and shows how Rea and Coop’s relationship grows so
strong. The book ends with a huge plot twist that changes the rest of the book. The third and
final book, read by Jupiter, is about how the plot changes the thoughts of the character, and
they all start to turn on each other. This was a fantastic read, and I would recommend this to

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