FLIGHT 171 – Amy Christine Parker

by TPS reader nierav26

This young adult novel is called Flight 171 and is written by Amy Christine Parker. The story starts in a very particular way, hooking the reader in the very first few pages. As you read, this book will keep you at the edge of your seat while you try to figure out why Devon’s twin sister Emily was murdered. The police have given up on further investigation about the case and there was really no evidence about who Emily’s killer could have been. A diverse number of characters will be introduced to you with different backgrounds, ideas, and even sins. You will not be able to stop reading when you find out that on the plane flight in which Devon and her classmates are on there is a supernatural creature with a strong desire for taking hold of a new body on board. The teenagers must sacrifice one of their classmates or they will all die. The story has a lot of twists and turns with little bits of romance, mystery, and lots of horror and suspense.

Devon must battle through the plane flight in order to try to figure out how to save everyone from the demon on board. Throughout this journey you will get to learn about the different ways every character thinks and how they react to different situations brought on by their horrifying experiences on flight 171. Some characters are selfish and only willing to save themselves. Others want to try and initiate a plan in order to save everyone. Then, of course, there are those who are terrified and glued to their seats because of the supernatural activity flying through the air. Devon will have to make some major decisions in order to survive. The question is will she actually succeed in saving the rest of the people on board, or will she make one wrong move resulting in the death of everyone boarding the plane? Devon must make some very risky decisions while others judge what she does and why she does it. Will Devon be successful or will she fail?

Amy Christine Parker will not let you stop reading this, especially when you start seeing how the teenagers suggest who to kill based on sins shown on the plane’s TV screens. The horror never ends and the fight or flight response that characters have never stops. You will be left with curiosity as to why certain things happen, and in the end you will be left wanting more of the story. Flight 171 is a must read, and it is guaranteed that it will keep you entertained.

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