MONDAY’S NOT COMING – Tiffany D. Jackson

by TPS reader znosko27

This story is seen from Claudia’s point of view. Claudia is a 13-year-old girl, whose best friend, Monday, goes missing. It seems nobody cares to find her. Claudia shares and does everything with Monday. She knows something is up when Monday doesn’t come to school one day. Her suspicion grows when Monday doesn’t respond to any of  her letters. What makes this story so amazing is that it is from the perspective of Claudia, someone that a young adult reader can relate to in the story. Claudia’s journey to find Monday goes beyond their friendship, as she slowly finds out more and more things about Monday and her life. She learns things she didn’t know before Monday went missing and secrets that later put her in danger. This story demonstrates things that can happen to young people in real life, and how friendships are so important. Readers relate to Claudia more and more, from her boy issues, to her learning disabilities. Tiffany D. Jackson writes about real issues happening today, like domestic abuse and bullying, that are only lightly touched upon by other YA books. This story helps readers understand people better, and how we should always be kind to others, as we may not know what is happening in another person’s  life. While Monday is gone, Claudia has to go through life on her own, missing her only friend, and other half. Claudia faces bullies, her learning disability issues, boys, dance practice, and the lonely search to find her best friend. At many points, she is not sure if she can handle everything alone. But her deep friendship and loss of this friendship give her the strength she needs and empowers her to find Monday, no matter what. The many lessons that the book will teach, and the roller coaster of emotions that it provokes, is why you should definitely read this book.

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