MONDAY’s NOT COMING – Tiffany D. Jackson

by TPS reader shermanp27

Tiffany D. Jackson’s Mondays Not Coming is filled with thrills, excitement, and a splash of romance. This story takes place in a small town in Washington D.C. called Ed Borough. Claudia, a young girl, comes home from a summer trip to her grandma’s to find her best friend Monday not responding to any of her phone calls or letters since she has been gone. Monday and Claudia have been almost inseparable since the day they met, so when Monday doesn’t respond, Claudia becomes worried. Claudia hopes Monday will be at school the following week and tries to forget. But she doesn’t show up to school, and soon a week goes by with no sign of Monday. Now it’s been a month with no Monday. Considering Monday was Claudia’s only friend without her at school, Claudia has no one to help her face her enemies. In an attempt to find Monday, Claudia tries telling her family she’s concerned, but they just shoved her away. When she can’t seem to get any help, she tries to do some digging on her own. The true mystery starts to appear. Is Monday really at her dad’s or her aunt’s or is it all just a lie? When Monday’s story unfolds, the more jaw-dropping the story gets. Throughout the book Jackson puts effort  into highlighting the issues of domestic abuse and bullying all while keeping the plot intriguing. Once you start to read Mondays Not Coming by Tiffany D. Jackson, you won’t want to put it down.  

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