SILVERN by Christina Farley


By TPS reader boerSilvernthdryden20

Silvern, the sequel to Gilded by Christina Farley, is magical and thrilling. I couldn’t put this book down. The series is based on Korean mythology. A girl named Jae Hwa is  Korean American who has recently settled into her new routine in Seoul. Her adjustment didn’t just include fitting in at school but also defeating the Korean demi-god Haemosu. When Silvern begins, Jae has defeated Haemosu but at the price of her Aunt Komo, who was put into a comma. She has come out of the battle with new, loyal  friends  but a new threat has come up. The God of Darkness, Kud, is seeking the white tiger orb.

Soon it becomes apparent to Jae that this adventure will be no walk in the park. Kud is more powerful and mischievous than Haemosu. Jae must ally with the Guardians of Shinshi to stop Kud. Jae Hwa goes to North Korea to search for the orb, with her boyfriend Marc  and Kang and return it to the Heavenly Chest.  Jae must now not only risk her life but her friends, and families’ as well. She must figure out how far she is willing to go to protect her friends and family.

I loved this series. It is amazing and mystical with the mythological creatures sprinkled throughout the book. The nine dragons were my favorite. I loved that they were talking about Dae a mysterious, charming boy.  Together they must obtain the white tiger orb before Kud does. Gwishin appearances added a touch of creepiness that made this book.  While there is  some romance it does not overwhelm the story with gushy scenes.  I highly recommend this to anyone. It has a little bit of everything. It has the romance, the adventure, and the eerie aspects to it.