MONDAY’S NOT COMING – Tiffany D. Jackson

by TPS reader znosko27

This story is seen from Claudia’s point of view. Claudia is a 13-year-old girl, whose best friend, Monday, goes missing. It seems nobody cares to find her. Claudia shares and does everything with Monday. She knows something is up when Monday doesn’t come to school one day. Her suspicion grows when Monday doesn’t respond to any of  her letters. What makes this story so amazing is that it is from the perspective of Claudia, someone that a young adult reader can relate to in the story. Claudia’s journey to find Monday goes beyond their friendship, as she slowly finds out more and more things about Monday and her life. She learns things she didn’t know before Monday went missing and secrets that later put her in danger. This story demonstrates things that can happen to young people in real life, and how friendships are so important. Readers relate to Claudia more and more, from her boy issues, to her learning disabilities. Tiffany D. Jackson writes about real issues happening today, like domestic abuse and bullying, that are only lightly touched upon by other YA books. This story helps readers understand people better, and how we should always be kind to others, as we may not know what is happening in another person’s  life. While Monday is gone, Claudia has to go through life on her own, missing her only friend, and other half. Claudia faces bullies, her learning disability issues, boys, dance practice, and the lonely search to find her best friend. At many points, she is not sure if she can handle everything alone. But her deep friendship and loss of this friendship give her the strength she needs and empowers her to find Monday, no matter what. The many lessons that the book will teach, and the roller coaster of emotions that it provokes, is why you should definitely read this book.

FLIGHT 171 – Amy Christine Parker

by TPSreader rosariog27

This January I read Flight 171 by Amy Christine Parker. I give this book 4.75 out of 5 stars. I stepped out of my comfort zone and read a horror/thriller book, but I have to say, I am very pleased. I had trouble getting into the book at first, but when I started getting into it, I couldn’t put it down. The development of Devon was very pleasing. In the beginning she was very caught up in her grief. We see her in the 5 stages of grief. In the beginning of the book, she was in the third stage of bargaining. She was trying to become her sister, Emily, and was trying to find the person who killed her to give her peace. If she found that out in the beginning of the book, we would have never seen Devon forgive herself and actually be at peace with Emily’s death. 

Towards the middle of the book, she was in the stage of depression. She was so mad at herself that she couldn’t keep her emotions in and she couldn’t even trust herself to lead the group when the old lady took control. In the end she was in the stage of acceptance for Emily and Carter. She knew Andrew killed Emily and she let him handle the problem of telling the authorities and his family because she accepted it. She knew that no one could bring her back and this was no one’s fault. This was an accident and she needed to accept that. I loved how she incorporated alcoholism and how Jack realized how his actions could have ended and used that to show his growth. I love that we can grow to love Jack because we finally see he only wanted the best for Devon. I wasn’t expecting Andrew to have killed Emily. He doesn’t seem like the type to live with that and I feel like that is really something that hooked me to the book. I also wasn’t expecting Yara to be secretly dating Emily. That also shows that Devon definitely did not pay much attention to Emily and that helps us see that. In the end I am left questioning. I think this is a sign that the book was amazing. Was Devon really just seeing things? Is the old lady really dead? Are they next for killing? I am hoping we get a sequel from Amy Christine Parker because this book is amazing. 

FLIGHT 171 – Amy Christine Parker

by TPSreader holts27

Flight 171 by Amy Christine Parker is a horror novel about a group of kids flying to their senior class trip when a supernatural being overtakes the plane and forces the kids to sacrifice one of their fellow students to become their new host body. This is the first ever horror book I’ve read, and I thought it was very good. This book had a great plot that kept you on the edge of your seat the entire time, and the characters were very likable as well. I thought it was interesting how the author included the aspect of having every kid hiding a dark secret because it added another layer to the challenge of selecting someone to be sacrificed to the supernatural force. 

I also thought it was interesting how some of the secrets were easier to see in the characters when you look back to before you knew what they did. One example of this is Andrew. Andrew was one of the students on the plane, and he killed the sister of the main character, Devon. When I found out that he was the one who killed Emily, I was shocked because I had no idea that it was him. Now that I look back to the earlier parts of the book, it is a little more obvious because I could see how he acted around Devon. I think that the best books have little details like this which makes the book that much more interesting if you decide to read it again. Overall, this book was very well written, and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in good horror books.

FLIGHT 171 – Amy Christine Parker

by TPS reader nierav26

This young adult novel is called Flight 171 and is written by Amy Christine Parker. The story starts in a very particular way, hooking the reader in the very first few pages. As you read, this book will keep you at the edge of your seat while you try to figure out why Devon’s twin sister Emily was murdered. The police have given up on further investigation about the case and there was really no evidence about who Emily’s killer could have been. A diverse number of characters will be introduced to you with different backgrounds, ideas, and even sins. You will not be able to stop reading when you find out that on the plane flight in which Devon and her classmates are on there is a supernatural creature with a strong desire for taking hold of a new body on board. The teenagers must sacrifice one of their classmates or they will all die. The story has a lot of twists and turns with little bits of romance, mystery, and lots of horror and suspense.

Devon must battle through the plane flight in order to try to figure out how to save everyone from the demon on board. Throughout this journey you will get to learn about the different ways every character thinks and how they react to different situations brought on by their horrifying experiences on flight 171. Some characters are selfish and only willing to save themselves. Others want to try and initiate a plan in order to save everyone. Then, of course, there are those who are terrified and glued to their seats because of the supernatural activity flying through the air. Devon will have to make some major decisions in order to survive. The question is will she actually succeed in saving the rest of the people on board, or will she make one wrong move resulting in the death of everyone boarding the plane? Devon must make some very risky decisions while others judge what she does and why she does it. Will Devon be successful or will she fail?

Amy Christine Parker will not let you stop reading this, especially when you start seeing how the teenagers suggest who to kill based on sins shown on the plane’s TV screens. The horror never ends and the fight or flight response that characters have never stops. You will be left with curiosity as to why certain things happen, and in the end you will be left wanting more of the story. Flight 171 is a must read, and it is guaranteed that it will keep you entertained.

THIS IS OUR STORY by Ashley Elston

by TPS reader alvarezk26

This is Our Story by Ashley Elston is guaranteed to keep you hooked. From the moment you open the book you will be drawn in by the intense mystery. It immediately starts from the perspective of the killer. This makes you even more desperate to find out who he is. Additionally, Kate’s strong passion for justice makes you even more invested in the story. Because of her complicated history with Grant, she is far more involved in the case than she should be. Kate must battle with her emotions as she tries to stay focused, but can’t stop thinking about the past. She works nonstop to uncover which one of the River Point boys pulled the trigger and killed Grant. However, a major plot twist balances out this hardcore investigation with a secret romance. Kate’s vulnerable heart has her risking her job for love. But will she be able to keep this romance hidden from her boss, Mr. Stone? Her dangerous decisions end up getting her into more trouble than she was already in. Will she still be able to prove who really killed Grant in time? This suspense filled book is impossible to put down. Ashley Elston will have you on the edge of your seat throughout the whole book. This incredible combination of mystery and romance creates a literary masterpiece. The amount of adrenaline felt when justice is finally served is unmatched in any other book. The ending of the story comes far too soon, and leaves you wanting more.

A CURSE SO DARK and LONELY by Brigid Kemmerer

by TPS reader senekald25

A Curse so Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer is an exciting fantasy book that makes you want to never put the book down. Every page is full of adventure and dangers of a fantasy world little girls dream of. The romantic tension grows stronger during the novel only making you want to read more. This is hands down one of my favorite books I have read so far! 

The main character Harper is brought to a magical land only found in story books with big castles and adventures with all the riches in the world. Except Harper has left behind her older brother Jake, who has to deal with their father’s poor life choices. Harper’s mother is battling cancer and is expected to pass sooner or later with no one to support her, and every day her mother wakes up is a blessing in disguise. Harper’s father left her family and failed them when her father had huge debts to pay back to the wrong type of people. Now Jake has to make things right and fix his father’s choices. Harper is left with a choice. Go home to Washington D.C. and help her family or stay with the prince and help him in a magical world where Harper finally feels like she’s home. 

In the novel, some twists, and turns make you doubt the outcome. This book teaches you not to judge people by their image and the mask they put on for other people. There are many life lessons in the novel but one important lesson is no matter how hard and bad life gets you can always find a way to help others.



by TPS reader turnern18

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children the first book in a series by Ransom Riggs is great. The book is about a sixteen-year-old boy named Jacob Portman who, after the death of his beloved Grandpa Abe, set off to a small island off the coast of Wales in hopes to learn more about his grandfather’s childhood home to get over his death. Once Jacob is on the island, he finds that the orphanage his grandfather once lived in was bombed and abandoned long ago or so everyone thinks. Jacob soon learns that all of the supposed delusional stories his grandfather told him were real. The tales of invisible boys, girls made of air, and people with superhuman strength are all real and the very children that once lived in the orphanage are still very much alive. Jacob is then immersed in the very peculiar world these children live in. However, soon after meeting all of the orphanage’s inhabitants, Jacob is suddenly given the responsibility to protect the children from the very same monsters who killed his Grandfather. The author of this book created a spine-tingling supernatural world, amplified by vintage photographs which really makes the story come alive. The book is truly something everyone can enjoy it is a great blend of love, adventure, friendship, spookiness and just the right amount of peculiarity. I definitely think that you should read the book as I loved it and cannot wait to start reading the rest Ransom Riggs Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children series.




by TPS reader ruppj18

In A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab, a guy named Kell is one of the last of his kind. Antari are a rare type of magician who can travel between different worlds. There used to be four worlds, Red London, White London, Gray London, and Black London, until Black London was consumed by the magic that the people there so desperately wanted to control. Now no one goes there and any remaining magic from there was destroyed, so people could not travel there. Kell is a messenger for Red London, which is the most beautiful and prosperous London, and he travels between Londons on official business, or at least most of the time. On the side, Kell is a smuggler, carrying magic to those who wish for the magic they will probably never have. This habit leads to a dangerous object being passed to him in White London, which was ruled by terrible people and was full of death and fighting, and an accidental betrayal of the crown. While in Gray London, he stumbles upon a girl named Delilah Bard, or Lila, who promptly robs him of the dangerous item he had recently obtained and also saves his life. Lila has always wanted to be a ship captain and live a life of adventure, and she saw the discovery of Kell as her opportunity to escape her life and have some fun. Now joined together, these two friends must face countless trials and betrayals in order to keep the people they love and the places they live safe from harm.

This book starts off slow but gets really good. You’re instantly attracted to Black London, a place full of mystery and forbidden to everyone. Kell is a loveable character, and Lila is a funny, tough girl who you really want to succeed. I really liked this book and I can’t wait to read the rest!


The Selection

by TPS reader barons20

The Selection by Kiera Cass is a story of a regular girl becoming regal. The main character America is in the adventure of a lifetime. She was chosen to be in a group with 35 other girls to win over the prince, Maxon. Minor problem, America is already in love with someone at home. She has to choose between a childhood lover, or a prince that could change her and her family’s lives forever. Prince Maxon is the opposite of what America thought he would be. He is kind, charming, and not so experienced with dating as she’d thought. America’s family isn’t the wealthiest bunch, so she joined “The Selection” contest so her family would receive the weekly income. Maxon wasn’t very happy when he heard about this, but he understood. I would love to trade places with  America to see what palace life is like.


MAZE RUNNER by James Dashner


by TPS reader frezzaa17

The Maze Runner by James Dashner was one of the better books I have read. The main character Thomas gets put in a whole new world when he arrives inside a maze. He can’t remember anything about his past life, besides his name. A short time later the first girl ever,named Teresa, lands in the Glade with a note saying she is the last person they are sending. Once she arrives, the Maze starts acting up and things start to change. The doors don’t close at night and Grievers run amok inside the Glade killing off some people. Chaos and order have left the Glade, and the position of authority is challenged. Thomas and Teresa must work together with the others to finally find a way out of the Maze. The book is much better than the movie. Hollywood leaves out funny plot details along with other information that add to character development and the overall plot. Dashner also has a great use of words that paint a better picture your head than what Hollywood can do in a movie. I can’t wait to see what happens in the next book of the Maze Runner series.