INTERNMENT by Samira Ahmed

by TPS reader williamsc22

Internment by Samira Ahmed is not only a good read, but it is a call to action. Set in near-future America, this novel brings to attention modern issues of society while highlighting the notion of “History repeats itself.” The author describes the situation as “fifteen minutes in the future,” suggesting that at America’s current rate, we are closer to this dystopian society than we think. With the growing oppression of Islams, Ahmed creates a story that parallels past events that have occurred. Beginning with smaller yet, unjustified acts of racism such as burning Muslim-written books or giving Muslims a curfew, the story quickly accelerates with the occupation of Muslim internment camps. Using the enactment of the Muslim Registry and Exclusion Laws, Ahmed foreshadows a much worse future for Islamic America. She incorporates the Japanese-American Internment camps from World War II and similar treatment of the Jews in Nazi Germany, that create a sense of panic, implying that America is returning to old habits. The excuse that Muslims are a threat to America is solely used to justify the Registry and Exclusion Acts. Using a young teenage girl, Layla Amin, as the protagonist of the novel, she exposes the true irony of the entire plot. Her harmless, yet oppressed character advances the notion that racism in America cannot be justified. The violent mistreatment of the occupants in the Internment camp forces Layla and her friends to attempt an escape. Ahmed’s use of young characters suggests that future generations have the power to destroy these groundless and racist traditions. Layla’s story serves as a warning to our current society.


The Selectionby TPS reader guilee20

The dystopian society in which America Singer lives has social classes called castes. These castes are set from one to eight, one being the wealthiest and eight being the poorest. This sets the foundation for the book, because the caste you are in determines how you’re treated and how you are taught to act. America Singer is a Five and her boyfriend, Aspen, is a Six. Their plans are to get married and save enough money to be able to have children. Because Aspen is a Six, he tells America to apply in the Selection, because he’s afraid of holding her back. The Selection is the process of which girls apply to marry the Prince, Prince Maxon.  Aspen and America don’t think she will be accepted, but to their surprise, she is. In spite of this, Aspen gets insecure and ditches America for somebody else, leaving her broken. She leaves for the castle, where she is to live with the other girls that were selected and abide by MANY rules. She is told that she is now a Three and her family is paid while she is away, which is what really drives her. She meets Prince Maxon, and he likes her straight away, but she doesn’t like him, nor does she forget about Aspen. She now is left with two decisions, does she choose Maxon or Aspen, and can she handle being the next Queen of Illea?

REQUIEM by Lauren Oliver

by TPS reader hunth19requiem

Requiem, the third book in the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver, is a great end to the trilogy.  Lena has held her own in the wilds and is becoming much more used to it.  However, it is not the perfect world she had imagined it to be. People are free to love, but still not free from the regulators.  After more rebellions from the resistance, the regulators decide to put an end to the madness.  And so, once again, her homestead is forced to relocate.  Also, she wrestles with her conflicted feelings between Julian and Alex, who has escaped from the crypts and into the wilds and has dramatically changed.

While this chaos is going on, Lena’s former best friend, Hana Tate, who is very gorgeous, has been cured, leaving her in a loveless and supposedly perfect and safe world.  Despite this, Hana has doubts about whether the cure really worked on her because she has strange dreams and recollections of her past.  Hana is engaged to Fred Hargrove, the soon to be mayor.  His actions are misleading, leaving Hana threatened, confused, and struggling.  Also, she discovers Lena’s timid cousin, Grace, and attempts to aid her and her family, who have become outcasts on account of Lena’s decision to escape to the wilds, leading to more doubts about whether or not she has truly been cured.

        The plot leaps and turns as you race through with the story.  I was swept up in the characters’ lives, and Lauren Oliver made me feel like they were real people.  Some parts of the book were really frustrating and left me wondering how things could possibly turn back around.  In the end, everything worked out.  A couple things weren’t quite solved, leaving the reader to wonder what would happen, but that’s the way of life.  Requiem is a really captivating book, and I would recommend reading the entire series.  

PANDEMONIUM by Lauren Oliver


by TPS Reader mcanallya23

Pandemonium is the second book in the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver. The main character, Lena, completely changes since the first book. At the beginning of Delirium, she is a shy girl who has never doubted that love is a disease and must be eradicated. In the Wilds, she becomes stronger both physically and mentally. At the beginning of Pandemonium, Lena finds herself in a community in the Wilds after escaping from Portland. She meets new characters such as Raven, the fierce leader of their community. Raven is extremely strong and determined, but she is also compassionate and loving, as we see when Blue dies. She leads her people without having her emotions affect her. I also enjoyed seeing Raven killing Thomas Fineman and saving Julian and Lena. We were able to see her unmerciful and ruthless side for people that deserve it.

Julian is another new character in Pandemonium. He is the son of Thomas Fineman, the president of the DFA. On the surface, Julian seems to have a perfect life, but he has had his struggles. Thomas Fineman played a part in his brother’s death, and Julian is haunted by this. Julian is an affectionate character, and Lena and he eventually become romantic. In my opinion their relationship felt forced though, and it seemed like Julian was only there to replace Alex. I love that Lena sees her mother, and I hope we get to see Lena and her mother get to know each other well in Requiem, the third book in the Delirium series. At the end of Pandemonium, we find out that Alex is alive, and Lena and him meet again. I was definitely not expecting to see Alex again, but I am also very glad. I can’t wait to see more of the older characters like Alex, Hannah, and hopefully Grace in Requiem.

ARTICLE 5 – by Kristen Simmons


TPS Reader mercers18

Article 5 is a young adult dystopian novel by Kristen Simmons. It is multiple genres: action, adventure, and romance. Years in the future, New York, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C. have been abandoned after the war and bombings. The government turns into a strict theocracy with rules called the Moral Statutes. Most books are banned and celebrating other religions result in punishments. The world is controlled by soldiers and fear. Ember Miller lives with her single mother in a small town. Ember knows how to get the items she needs, like food stamps and old clothing. One day, Ember’s mother is arrested for noncompliance with Article 5 of the Moral Statutes. Article 5 is having a child out of wedlock. Even though Ember is seventeen and the law is only been implemented for one week, it applies to her and her mother. One of the arresting officers is Chase Jennings, the only boy Ember has ever loved. Ember is taken to a rehabilitation center, which is ruled by strict women. She needs to learn to be obedient or face the consequences. What will happen to Ember? Will she escape? Why did Chase arrest her mother? Article 5 is a book that the reader does not want to put down. It is a trilogy. The first two books are somewhat predictable, but the third book is a complete surprise. It is worth reading all three. For readers who like love triangles, this does not have one, but it has romance in it between Ember Miller and Chase Jennings. I recommend this book to readers who like Divergent and The Hunger Games