The Selectionby TPS reader guilee20

The dystopian society in which America Singer lives has social classes called castes. These castes are set from one to eight, one being the wealthiest and eight being the poorest. This sets the foundation for the book, because the caste you are in determines how you’re treated and how you are taught to act. America Singer is a Five and her boyfriend, Aspen, is a Six. Their plans are to get married and save enough money to be able to have children. Because Aspen is a Six, he tells America to apply in the Selection, because he’s afraid of holding her back. The Selection is the process of which girls apply to marry the Prince, Prince Maxon.  Aspen and America don’t think she will be accepted, but to their surprise, she is. In spite of this, Aspen gets insecure and ditches America for somebody else, leaving her broken. She leaves for the castle, where she is to live with the other girls that were selected and abide by MANY rules. She is told that she is now a Three and her family is paid while she is away, which is what really drives her. She meets Prince Maxon, and he likes her straight away, but she doesn’t like him, nor does she forget about Aspen. She now is left with two decisions, does she choose Maxon or Aspen, and can she handle being the next Queen of Illea?



by TPS reader ruppj18

In A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab, a guy named Kell is one of the last of his kind. Antari are a rare type of magician who can travel between different worlds. There used to be four worlds, Red London, White London, Gray London, and Black London, until Black London was consumed by the magic that the people there so desperately wanted to control. Now no one goes there and any remaining magic from there was destroyed, so people could not travel there. Kell is a messenger for Red London, which is the most beautiful and prosperous London, and he travels between Londons on official business, or at least most of the time. On the side, Kell is a smuggler, carrying magic to those who wish for the magic they will probably never have. This habit leads to a dangerous object being passed to him in White London, which was ruled by terrible people and was full of death and fighting, and an accidental betrayal of the crown. While in Gray London, he stumbles upon a girl named Delilah Bard, or Lila, who promptly robs him of the dangerous item he had recently obtained and also saves his life. Lila has always wanted to be a ship captain and live a life of adventure, and she saw the discovery of Kell as her opportunity to escape her life and have some fun. Now joined together, these two friends must face countless trials and betrayals in order to keep the people they love and the places they live safe from harm.

This book starts off slow but gets really good. You’re instantly attracted to Black London, a place full of mystery and forbidden to everyone. Kell is a loveable character, and Lila is a funny, tough girl who you really want to succeed. I really liked this book and I can’t wait to read the rest!

DELIRIUM by Lauren Oliver


by TPS reader hunth19

Delirium, by Lauren Oliver, was different than any book I’ve ever read.  The plot was unique, exciting, and fast paced.  In Delirium, the main character, named Lena, lives in a world where love is considered a disease.  Girls and boys were always separated, and even speaking about “love” would gain the suspicion of people.  At age eighteen, every person has to have “the cure” to free them of this disease.  Directly before, they have an examination that will determine who they can marry.  For a while, Lena believes them and holds on to the hope that her life will be better after the cure.  However, everything changes when she accidentally meets a boy named Alex.  Because of the fact that love was considered a disease, Lena had never really talked to a guy.  After meeting Alex, she had an epiphany and realized that everything the government had told them was twisted.  Love was not a disease, it was a blessing.  The story goes on as Lena, her best friend Hana, and Alex try to evade the regulators, who were strict enforcers of the law.  Eventually, Hana learns the truth about Alex and it almost destroys their relationship.  However, after many events, they plotted to make a very dangerous escape to the “wilds”, which is the outcasts of society where love is not banned and the people can live freely.  The ending was unexpected and exciting, leading you to read the next book called Pandemonium.  I can’t wait to read it!  



TPS Reader – myersc16

The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey tells the incredible story of Cassie Sullivan and her gang of survivors who struggle to maintain their sanity and courage throughout the novel. At the beginning of the story, Cassie, Evan, Ringer, Teacup, Ben, Poundcake, and Dumbo are hiding in an abandoned hotel. Evan Walker, one of The Others, decided to betray his own kind and join the band of survivors. The story continues as Ringer and Teacup get captured by The Others and the evil Vosch, while an Other named Grace tracks down the remaining survivors. The story changes perspective as the reader now sees Ringer being held captive by Vosch and the Others, while falling in love with the mysterious Razor. When Grace finds Cassie and her friends, Evan convinces them to leave since he is the only one that Grace wants. Inevitably, a fight ensues. In the chaos, Poundcake is shot and left behind with an explosive to kill Grace. The reader now switches over to Ringer’s view. Vosch enters the room and explains to Ringer the true experiment and reason for the waves of destruction on the Earth, but will Ringer believe him and be able to reunite with her friends? The sequel to Yancey’s The 5th Wave is a book that I would recommend to all dystopian readers.

The sequel to Yancey’s The 5th Wave is a book that I would recommend to all dystopian novel lovers. It picks up right where the first book leaves off and we enter the world of Cassie Sullivan and her friends from two very different perspectives. Allowing the reader to view the events in the story through different pairs of eyes, Yancey creates a beautifully written novel that is a great read for anyone who loves an exciting adventure.