IT’S MY LIFE by Stacie Ramey

by TPS reader zhenga22

It’s My Life by Stacie Ramey revolves around Jenna Cohen, a high school girl who suffers from cerebral palsy ever since her birth. Despite this, she tries to maintain a normal way of living; that is, until she finds out that her condition was accidental. Knowing that she was not supposed to have cerebral palsy, Jenna rethought everything she has done up until this point. She constantly fantasizes about what her life would have been like without cerebral palsy affecting her daily. Moreover, her parents have always made medical decisions for her, leaving Jenna feeling as if she has almost no control over her own life. The story becomes more interesting when Jenna’s childhood crush, Julian Van Beck, moves back to town and into her high school. When Jenna decides to anonymously help him with schoolwork, she realizes she must eventually reveal herself to him. The only drawback is that Jenna feels self-conscious about her condition.

Ramey provides a good portrayal of a person living with cerebral palsy and details the difficulty that person experiences every day. I found myself surprised at how many obstacles someone with cerebral palsy may encounter. However, Ramey adds in a bit of romance to move the story along. This romance, for me personally, is what kept me motivated to turn each and every page. Throughout the book, Ramey reveals Jenna’s internal struggles as she tries to find control for her own life as well as striving for a relationship with Julian. Ultimately, Ramey gives the message that who you are on the inside is more important/valued than what your external shows.

ALL AMERICAN BOYS by Brendan Kiely & Jason Reynolds

by TPS reader bigneyj21

All American Boys, by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely, is about the assault by a police officer on an innocent boy. The authors take the reader through a journey that goes beyond typical stereotypes and into the lives of teens who experience things no teen should have to deal with. It is a very passionate read that directly points out a major problem in current society: racial discrimination. Personally, I enjoyed this read because it went in depth on a topic that is not typically discussed. It can make the reader realize how privileged they are to not have to experience such traumatic events that so many teens have to face such as being profiled just because of your race or even skin color. As you get deeper into the book, you tend to feel for these “all-American boys” who are forced to grow up following such a violent incident. Just

for older teens who can comprehend real life, modern day problems. Even though this book is not flawless, it can inspire the reader to be better and do what is best for themselves. Because these two boys live in the shadows of their fathers, they are forced to decide whether to follow in their fathers’ footsteps or to create their own, better path. Even though this book does have an extensive amount of violence and inappropriate language, it is an age appropriate book