THE DREAM HEIST – Christina Farley

by TPS reader alchc27

The book that I first chose to read was The Dream Heist by Christina Farley. It is a book filled with mysteries, adventure, drama, and a little bit of romance. The book follows the adventure of Aria Hale and her friends. They all work together with her dad at MAXlife. I enjoyed the book from the second I started it. There wasn’t a dull moment and that is what kept me reading. Once you really got into it and things started to connect, it was hard to put down. The friendships between Aria, Jake, Sun, Tony, and Javier grew throughout the entire book. Aria and Jake were classmates but never talked until they were forced to after she went into his dreams, and they developed feelings for each other. He helped solve the mystery, and they wouldn’t have been able to do it without him. As she went across the country, she found things she never thought she would, new beginnings, and even love. When the final plot twist happens, it makes the book even better. Looking back there is a lot of foreshadowing that you wouldn’t catch the first time you read it. Trying to solve the mystery with the characters is really fun. Bad things happen, but they always find a way around it and work together to do so. Overall I really enjoyed The Dream Heist, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves mystery filled with lots of drama. I would read this book again and would love to catch even more foreshadowing within everything that happens.

A CURSE SO DARK and LONELY by Brigid Kemmerer

by TPS reader senekald25

A Curse so Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer is an exciting fantasy book that makes you want to never put the book down. Every page is full of adventure and dangers of a fantasy world little girls dream of. The romantic tension grows stronger during the novel only making you want to read more. This is hands down one of my favorite books I have read so far! 

The main character Harper is brought to a magical land only found in story books with big castles and adventures with all the riches in the world. Except Harper has left behind her older brother Jake, who has to deal with their father’s poor life choices. Harper’s mother is battling cancer and is expected to pass sooner or later with no one to support her, and every day her mother wakes up is a blessing in disguise. Harper’s father left her family and failed them when her father had huge debts to pay back to the wrong type of people. Now Jake has to make things right and fix his father’s choices. Harper is left with a choice. Go home to Washington D.C. and help her family or stay with the prince and help him in a magical world where Harper finally feels like she’s home. 

In the novel, some twists, and turns make you doubt the outcome. This book teaches you not to judge people by their image and the mask they put on for other people. There are many life lessons in the novel but one important lesson is no matter how hard and bad life gets you can always find a way to help others.

WE ARE NOT FROM HERE by Jenny Torres Sanchez

by TPS reader luthera25

We Are Not From Here by Jenny Torres Sanchez gives light to the difficult journey immigrants have to make when trying to get into the American safe haven. This story is told from the perspective of three Guatemalan teens that are going to make the perilous journey north. These teens are Pequeña, Pulga, and Chico. The barrios that Pulga, Pequeña, and Chico live in are very dangerous, and they hear stories about people like them leaving the Barrios and taking a dangerous route called La Bestia. La Bestia consists of a dangerous train system they must take to reach the border. Pulga and Chico, who are best friends brought together by violence, witness a horrific event and decide they must travel to America even if it means leaving their families behind. While Pequeña gives birth to a baby she doesn’t want and is filled with hatred toward the father, Pequeña also decides to go north with Pulga and Chico. During their journey to America, they face tragedy and loss, but they are still determined to find a better future. 

Jenny Torres Sanchez did an excellent job of giving the reader perspective on the life of immigrants in this beautiful and tragic story. While reading I felt the fear that Chico felt, the sadness that Pulga felt, and the powerful determination that Pequeña had. Go into the world of Chico, Pulga, and Pequeña and feel the sadness, fear, and determination these three teens face during the dangerous route on La Bestia.

THE BELLES by Dhonielle Clayton

by TPS reader pattilloc22

Dhonielle Clayton’s The Belles brings new meaning to the commonly spoken phrase “beauty is pain” through the creation of a reality in which this remark is taken quite literally. The people of Orléans, a mysteriously magical world, are born lacking color and will stay a dull shade of gray unless a magical “Belle” agrees to use her powers to help them. In this intriguingly lavish world, only the beauty wielding Belles can restore color to its citizens with their special powers. Deriving from the French word for “pretty” or “beautiful”, Belles are cherished for their power to bring beauty and vibrant color to the dreary world around them granting them access to a grand role alongside the royal family of Orléans. Belles dream to be recognized for their talents and honed skills and hope to be chosen by the Queen of Orléans to live amongst the royal family and to provide their desired services. 

ODD ONE OUT by Nic Stone

by TPS reader fettere23

Odd One Out is fiction by Nic Stone. The book takes you through a glimpse of your teenage years. It takes you through a group of kids figuring out their sexuality, interests, and personalities. This book navigates friendships and social interactions in a parent free society.This book is told through the voices of each of the three main characters as they try to figure out their lives. One of the main characters, Coop, has been best friends with his neighbor “Jupe” ever since they were seven years old. Recently, he is starting to think he wants to be more than just friends. Unfortunately for him, Jupe is gay. She also has a thing for the new girl Rae. The three form a friendship, (more like a love triangle). Rae is so grateful to have found them and thinks she fits in perfectly. Rae has an advantage to their hearts, because Jupe and Coop have been best friends for as long as they can remember, but Rae is unsure if she likes Coop or Jupe! She thinks maybe she likes both of them? To find out what happens next, you can read the book and find out for yourself!